celebrations · kids · memories · school

8th Grade Graduation

I haven’t written much lately – it isn’t because my life got all quiet and boring all of a sudden.  Quite the opposite!!  I’ve had a couple of trips to the ER (1 for Lucy, 1 for Kaileigh), went to Orlando to go to Disney World with Keegan on a band trip, went to Atlanta twice for some opportunities for Kaileigh and then suddenly – school is out and suddenly I have two high schoolers.  That’s right, Keegan is a graduate of middle school.  Some people say it isn’t a real graduation but it is a big transition.

I sat at the ceremony and was about to burst with pride at how handsome Keegan was looking.  He tied his own bow tie (bow ties are cool!), had a nice blazer, nice pants and great shoes.  Shoes that are incidentally a size 14!  I knew he was tall but watching him stand for various recognition’s really drove it home.   I figured there were a lot of kids that were tall but they are further apart than I expected.  I’ve got some photos below – it is taking some time for me to get used to looking up to my little boy when we stand side by side…….

Keegan has no trouble seeing over his classmates!
Looking pretty pleased to be finishing middle school!
Good view of that cool bow tie
A genuine smile – that is something worth celebrating!
Me and my little boy
This is my favorite photo of the day

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